Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Time to Expect a Miracle

A lovely lady, who is now a great friend, attended a workshop I did a few months ago and she mentioned a game she was playing.  “It’s called expect a miracle game,” she said.
Huh? What? OMG, tell me more(I answered excitedly)
“Well, It’s simple,” she said, “everyday you wake up and you say, what miracle do I expect today.”
OMG, I love it! (I answered even more excited) Tell me more

“Well as you wake up and say, what miracle can I expect today, you start to search for what miracles are happening all around you, in each moment, everyday.”
OMG, I love it! (I said, now jumping out of my skin). Knowing that our language creates our reality and of course what we language is what we experience; this was a game for me.
I remembered an Einstein quote that I used in my book:
 "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
So let’s break down how this works…
According to the Law of Attraction, we attract what we are not what we want, which means we attract what we think about and when I say “think” I mean what the subconscious mind is thinking.
You can say, “I want (fill the blank),”but if subconsciously you do not believe you can have it then you will not get it. We ultimately bring ourselves what we   believe not necessarily what we want because once we have a belief in our subconscious mind, we begin to filter in evidence to support, validate or justify that belief. We may attract the wrong people, for example, because we have a hidden belief saying, I’m not worthy of receiving that, or  want to earn a certain amount of money, with a hidden belief saying, money is hard to make.
We also have to remember that the subconscious mind is forever programming us, automatically creating our responses to the world around us. It really is very  much like the Google search bar- what you type into the search bar is what you get- it’s a simple (kinda), scientific equation. In fact the more specific you get with your search by refining and refining, the closer you get to having exactly what you want. Our Subconscious mind works in the same brilliant way. For Example…
DESIRE:  To earn 100k in 2011
SUBCONSCIOIUS BELIEF:   “I’m not good with money”

If subconsciously you are thinking, I’m not good with money, what subconscious, automatic behaviors will you create around money…sabotaging, right?

Now! Let’s flip this…

DESIRE: To earn 100k in 2011

“Today I expect a miracle and I am going to look for and filter in miracles all around me. I will notice everything with expanded awareness.”
Now that you are using this new thought pattern you will begin to filter in
A Reality filled with miracles.

If you are questioning this, and wondering if it really can work, well let me tell you
that it does! Work that is! After I heard about this “game” I started saying “I expect a miracle today,” as I woke up and wow what began to happen was remarkable.
In the last 4 months, since I have become aware of my every day miracles, I continue to receive unexpected income daily. I have been humbled and am in awe of the everyday miracles I experience- the coincidences, the synchronicities and the everyday gifts I know witness. In fact, I  have reframed my “old” beliefs I had about the end of the month. Previously those were fear based thoughts which consisted basically of “how is everything going to be covered this month?”
Now, I call the last week of the month, MIRACLE WEEK, and I trust and know that as I focus on the miracles and expect them to happen, they do! I say this with the belief that miracles DO HAPPEN and I will expect them and open myself up to them.
So we can flip our fear and those subconscious beliefs to expect a miracle in everyday and in any way! And when we do this we embrace the 3 pillars of a positive mindset and attitude: TRUST, BELIEF AND FAITH!
Have Fun with this one J

Towards your truth and freedom,

Cheryne Blom
For more about Cheryne please also see: http://www.cheryneblom.com/ 
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PS: I would love to hear your comments and stories. Please leave your comments here or email me  Please also share your comments on Facebook.

COMING SOON- MASTERING THE ART OF SELF LOVE ONLINE PROGRAM! STARTING MARCH 2012The ultimate 12 step process- please email me your interest here

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
I trust you enjoyed it!


  1. I love your blog and I love the new thought pattern of seeing the miracles everyday! Thank you, will visit again. Cheers Sonia

  2. Every morning I wake up and say " Infinite Spirit, don't let me miss a trick! I thank you for this perfect day where miracles follow miracles and wonders never cease"! An inspiration/affirmation from Florence Scovel Shinn.
